SPC is not only a garden-type variety life science consulting firm. As an information-driven knowledge foundry in the service of pharmaceutical and medical business development, we go considerably beyond that. SPC has coalesced science-minded, patent-minded and market-minded thinking into a unified multidisciplinary approach in the field of Pharma industry, which can identify, extract, analyze, and integrate all types of business-relevant information for our customers. The company is staffed by a unique group of access-savvy managers and medical professionals who are dedicated to bring modern medicines to the people in low resource and developing countries. SPC in fact is a service-oriented, high quality and ethically driven company. This way of going at things is not something that could be designed – it has grown out of decades of our staff’s decades-long experience in academia, industry, and independent consulting. A highly qualified, professional and skilled team with a unique goal composes our team: offering nothing more than the best.